Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Stop"? Really?

Apparently there has been some response to our artwork at the University of Illinois quad. According to the AAF blog post, a few individual members of the Muslim student group at UIUC were seen defacing our faces of Muhammad. The attempts at censoring the chalk images included erasing the figures with water, and this:

(photo credit:

Unfortunately I missed out in seeing the response, I am actually home this weekend, attending the St. Francis prom with the beautiful Becky Solomon. I hope to at least see some of the Muhammad figures remaining when I return on Sunday, but if the Muslim student group has its way, all 150 chalk drawings may be erased. Possible but unlikely.

Again, if I understated it in my previous post, I am extremely excited by the participation and success in this project. I think we, as a team, did a great job supporting free speech and really making a statement that no belief, faith, or assertion is immune from the power of critical thinking and scrutiny.

Kudos to all those who made this possible!

It looks as though the event has caught the public eye, PZ Myers posted about the event here on his blog Pharyngula, be sure to read it!

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